Emergency Mobile Alert

Find out about Emergency Mobile Alert including a list of capable phones on the Get Ready website.

Annual test of Emergency Mobile Alert system happening 26 May

The nationwide test of the Emergency Mobile Alert system will take place between 6 and 7 pm on Sunday 26 May 2024. An alert will be broadcast to all capable phones.

The test of Emergency Mobile Alert allows us to evaluate the system, cell towers, and the ability for mobile phones to receive the alert. The test also helps to familiarise the public with what an Emergency Mobile Alert looks like and how their phone presents the message. 

As the Emergency Mobile Alert system has been used a number of times this year for local and national emergencies, including nationwide alerts for the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The last nationwide test was on the evening of 28 May 2023. 

The 2021 Annual Disaster Preparedness Survey showed nine out of ten people received an alert or had been with someone who received an alert.

Find out more (getready.govt.nz)

What is Emergency Mobile Alert?

Emergency Mobile Alerts are messages about emergencies sent by authorised emergency agencies to capable mobile phones. The alerts are designed to keep people safe and are broadcast to all capable phones from targeted cell towers.

The alerts can be targeted to areas affected by serious hazards and will only be sent when there is a serious threat to life, health or property, and, in some cases, for test purposes.

Find out more (getready.govt.nz)

Why do we test Emergency Mobile Alert?

The nationwide test of the Emergency Mobile Alert system is a necessary part of making sure the system works well. Find results and information about nationwide tests.

Find out about nationwide tests (getready.govt.nz)

Received, or didn't receive an alert recently?

Provide feedback about Emergency Mobile Alert using our online form. This allows us to efficiently collect non-personal information to help improve the Emergency Mobile Alert system.

Provide feedback. 

How else are Emergency Mobile Alert messages made available?

If you would like to integrate the messages into your own website or app, the Emergency Mobile Alert messages are also made available as a Common Alerting Protocol feed.

Contact us for further details (civildefence.govt.nz)